Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Capitalism Divides ... Mayday unites

The topic really has nothing to with the following. Its just something that i came across today and m still wondering if its worth wondering about. i hope to read this in a few months/years time and be in a better postion to write something meaningful abt this. cos right now, i am not sure if its true. anyway...

Leaves of grass:

In poetry, there is neither rhyme nor meter
absolutely free verse.
Just whatever u feel inside
coming out in its own intricate rhythm
Pure, unshamed passion
without definable restiction
U, basically, almost always, make your own rules.
so, then, who makes the rules?
all of us are always moving toward the truth
and when we think that we have it figured out
then, after that, whats left?

Enough said.
Isnt it?
sometimes .. especially when you are stoned .. academia seems so off the point and philosophy seems so quite the thing you would just want to do and better things for yourself and others. but then thats not how it ever works. 
If just thought and logic made money in this world, there would be no room for the fools, would there?
there is room for all.
there is no room for none,
maybe the topic does make sense.
or does it?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Entering the dread of monotony

m so bored that i have visited this long forgotten page of mine.
m so bored that now i dont even know what to write.
m so bored.. because my life is becoming monotonous.
I think i should visit pushkar.
anyway .. i got myself insured a couple of weeks back. its kind of expensive to get urself insured. all the time i was talking to my agent about the insurance and how much i would have to shell out, i kept thinking, "dude, Jenny lopez got her ass insured! for fuk's sake, atleast get ur SELF insured. be a man!"
after i had signed the papers and signed the first of many to come cheques(unless, of course, i die soon), i quickly googled and found out that my life is not half as valuable as Jlo's butt.
well.. Jlo's asses might not be boring like my present life. that's y i guess they got insured so heavily. i bet Casper the Smart knows first hand!
but, come tomorrow, i will not enter the dread of monotony! today, being the tam new year, let me call this my new year's resolution. \m/
ok. now m bored AND sleepy.
good night.