Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Saving Pvt. Ryan!!!!
I got up n rushed to the toilet. I was going to pee.. The thought in itself had something rejuvenating in itself. I got in and pulled the payjama thread and I pulled the wrong one! The knot got entangled! Fuk!!!! I was goin to piss in my pants now.. I couldn take it any further. I started having visions.. Even a second of déjà vu! Then I just dug in and pulled at the knot again and thankfully it loosened. FINALLY...I pissed… then I pissed … n then again. My entire body loosened up. As if I had been kept imprisoned for ages and was released into the world full of open spaces. I started breathing deeply. I was actually ready to die now. I had lived my life I felt. I couldn believe when I was done.. That it was over.
I got back to my bed.. Thinking of the movie I had seen last night. Saving Private Ryan… one of the best war depictions I had ever seen. N it had hand some real impact on me. I sure din need Freud to interpret my dreams for me. I knew exactly what had happened and was happy how I had managed to see through the war without pissing on the battlefield. Then it hit me that the officer who had charged at me was Tom Hanks. In my piss frenzy I had not been able to recognize him. Bur I wanted to talk to him once in my life. .so I just close my eyes again.. N in a moment I was back there.. A fresh and rejuvenated soldier!
Fuk. .a bullet!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
WTF??!!! :(
M just wondering what Is it that actually makes us happy in life? For me its not money.. and obviously I am lying wen I say that! See.. for me its being able to say that I don want money and being able to pull it off with a straight face and also have loads of cash in my bank account would amount to happiness. But I cant do it now. I would also love to become a big shot someday and write an autobiography of my own. Like some very famous hot shots do it these days. Its very “now”… apparently. But let me tell u something… y the fuk din these hot shots bother to write an autobiography when they were not such hot shots?? Lets try analyzing the reasons:
1) they were not famous so no one would buy their books -> so they are writing their autobiographies just so that ppl read them?
2) they din have the balls to write an autobiography earlier n say that they fukd their secretaries or doped wen they were 17. they do it now. .cos they are hot shots and ppl wud now appreciate that they did all that n yet overcame such "moral failures" to make it big in life.. yeah.. moral failures.. that’s what they might like to call it. ( any resemblance to any other autobiography is purely coincidental here as I am just imagining .. n I write this disclaimer as this is something that I think wud feature in all autobiographies! ) I have never been an avid reader of books.. forget abt autobiographies. I have enuf n more crap in my life to be reading abt someone else’s shit!
But yeah.. I want to write an autobiography wen I am famous exactly because of the two reasons stated above! I want to generate some revenue for myself and I don’t have the balls to admit some shit now that I would readily do if I got into a position where I can comfortably call it a moral failure that I overcame! ( no… I have not had any secretaries in my life yet).
Anyways… so coming back to the point. Its not money . .so wot is it then? Now a very genuine and honest answer would be, “I don’t know” … n an even more honest and genuine answer would be, “I fukn don know.. n how the fuk does it matter to u?? go rot in hell”
[08/march] -> M better today.. much better. i wrote all crap yday.
Yeah.. it’s all about money.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I was just going through the evidence dossier that India has given to Pakistan ( to urge it to speed up it’s investigation process, if any, and hand over the guilty to us. In the second annexure of the first section of the dossier were the list of evidences that were recovered from Kasab and their pics. One thing that was striking there was that all the products recovered from that guy… I mean all… were “made in Pakistan” u could just check out the dossier yourself and you would know what I am talking about. Bermuda, spray paints, shaving cream, brushes, tissue paper.. everything. .”made in Pakistan”. Get the a DNA test.. mayb even that would have a “made in Pakistan” tag on it somewhere. (that wud be SOME evidence!) I guess they wud never be able to catch an Indian terrorist in that case, cos we always have products that say, “made in China” or “made in USA”. ppl wud have a tuf time framing our guys if they try looking for such evidences!! Everything would then direct to the USA or China.. or if it’s a low esteemed terrorist.. maybe Bangladesh! We hardly use “made in India” stuff man! It’s pathetic.. but kinda true. C’mon what does ur shirt say now?? At least these terrorists are patriotic in that sense.. ..
But there is one thing that strikes me with all this investigation that is going and that is… if at all the ISI was involved in the Mumbai attacks, would they have not taken care of such petty things as asking their guys to use other stuff and conceal their identities?? After all they are the “inter services intelligence”!! we know they have the intelligence to do a lotta stuff!!!.... wudn they have the intelligence to take care of such petty things? India, with all the evidences gathered is sure that the terrorists were Pakistanis and maybe even the ISI had a role to play. But then we haven’t done much about it yet. It took our ppl more than a month to hold a conference of chief ministers on internal security… the anti-terror laws that are passed are already being vigorously opposed by ppl like Narendra Modi (wr the fuk is Karan Thapar??), certain NGO’s seem to be voicing concerns over Kasab and there have been a whole lot of talks that have gone in between our ministers and several other “mediating”countries. Yet, not one productive result.. yet! Diplomatic stances have been taken and investigation has also been conducted by several foreign bodies mainly bcos there is atleast one person in the annexure of the dossier who happens to be that country’s national and was a victim of the attack. Our PM, yday, has finally come up with some strong words and pointed directly at our neighbour accusing it of using terrorism as an instrument od state policy. That sounded positive intent.. just hope that he backs it up with some action.
But one still wonders, should it really be so difficult to bring the perpetrators to justice when we have all the evidences gathered. Apparently, rolling stones have started to gather a whole lot of moss these days!!! It’s funny ‘cos back in the day, I had heard they don’t.
I don’t remember America haven done so much talking after the 9/11 attacks as they seem to be doing here in our case. Pakistan says that it doesn’t have extradition treaties with India as it does with America and so it cannot hand over the terrorists wanted by India!! I do not think terrorists belong to any nation.. they are just fukn terrorists who ain’t belong to shit! I fail to understand y Pakistan is in love with these people and is trying to protect them by maintaining such fukd up diplomatic stances on the face of such a global threat. If she has control over these people, as it claims to, then why not just hand them over to the people who have been victimized by their heinous acts. Perpetrators of peace and international relations need not be taken care of as if they were responsible citizens of a particular nation. Ok.. mayb.. Zakiur Rahman Lakhvi wears stuff that are “made in Pakistan” and drinks milk packaged in Pakistan, but does that mean that she should defend him as if he were a prized possession of the nation.. or is he??
Friday, January 2, 2009
Anyways… m posting blogs, after like 30 yrs or smthing, so I wud need a ghajini post it of my own from now I guess. I din find the time or enthu for the past few months and once wen I was having a discussion, some “wise ass” once told me that blogging might spread extreme views and shud not be allowed!! It’s not that I fukn post blogs that are titled, “December 25… REMEMBER” n then a gang of hoodlums raid some random outlet with a pair of hand grenades on dec 25~!
This 26/11 has really caught on .. as in… if it was not for this terrorist attack, I think even the media business would have been hit by the recession! …. Or rather I shud say the entertainment business! Aaj tak is definitely kind of entertainment and they shud rename it to “ATE” or something.. (just like WWE). .aaj tak entertainment… as in ATE -> that’s what we did to your emotions! (ok.. someone just pick this up n add it to the mailchain of the worst PJ’s ever!!! ;-P). I was watchin the movie ‘mumbai meri jaan’ and they just proved my point in that.. or rather I am elaborating on theirs.
Media s all fukd up now.. .they try to derive an entertainment factor out of practically everything that they can lay their hands on. They have started advertising the evnts, rather than give news. There was this 17 yr old kid who was shot dead the other day for having tried to escape the police and climbed onto the roof a high ranking cop’s house. A cupl of reasons that the media gave as to y the police thot that he was a terrorist were really disturbing! I really don’t want to name out instances to substantiate on that ‘cos they mite be what I feel and some of you mite interpret it in a different sense and then the “wise ass” would, all of a sudden, sound true! Media hype is giving undue importance to a lot of ppl who suddenly think they are next to Obama in the list of “most influential and famous ppl on planet earth” and start forgetting what they are actually supposed to be doing! Sania Mirza ia a ‘category A’ example of that and Saina Nehwal is a potential successor to that throne. For politicians, it’s like they have lost out on all fronts and are looking out for such media glorification to regain some “never had” pride. I forgot the name of that jackass who came on TV a few days back makin some kinda remarks and finally apologized after a week by taking a “U-turn” from his comments. “I am on TV today and will stay there for the rest of the week”, that’s what he wud have probably happily told his wife at home.. desperately wishing that he sees an aamir khan post-it on the dressing mirror the next day he comes back from the parliament house! He probably never saw that post-it and hence the U-turn! Fukn politicians.. hehe!
Nevertheless, ppl seem to be living all the shit goin arnd ( courtesy our media ) and no one capable of doin smthin is really doin anything abt it… It was all hyped up a couple of weeks back on TV when they used to have debates and discussions in the news channels saying, ”this is the big fukn voice of India.. n this is goin to make all the difference” and all... all I see now on TV is the news abt India’s rise to the top three positions of world cricket. Some overgrown public gets paid to come on TV and go around the world, eating and drinking all kinds of exotic stuff and tell u that it’s AWESOME!! .. as if that’s news!! N of course a lot of attention is also being grabbed by the release of a few blockbusters and the cold war that is goin arnd in Bollywood among our three khans. Am just surprised that the big Stud from Maharashtra is still not back to his services…. Let’s go n get some govt jobs in Bombay guys… we’ll get paid by some news channel fr that .. I am sure! They wud get enuf shit for atleast a month, videotaping us getting whacked arnd and the cash, if any, would go to our our parents and spouses..… and could probably be used for an expensive cremation for us.
Agitation among ppl seem to be the same thing as aamir khan’s memory in Ghajini. Any of us cud have acted in Ghajini I guess.. just needed a six step ab for Asin to drool over and… Voila!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
How to make a word potent…. Anyone??
Happy new year folks…!! Hope u have a wonderful year ahead of you.
For me this one’s goin to pretty much define my path n I wud know that in 9 days from now. i am not assuming anything now. .we all know assumption is the mother of all fuk ups! Nevertheless.. if everything gets messed up, I am goin to become a roadie.. I don give a shit!
Anyways.. really long time since I have been here.. 2008 was a great and interesting year but no blogs to prove that point and 2009 starts off with one on day one. .that’s because this is about something that I just cannot not mention! J so here goes…
Today morning I was a the canteen to get myself a juice to help me out with my diet and I happened to observe a couple of ladies, beside me in the queue, speakin in english. Apparently one f them had not brought some cash that she was supposed to have and the other one was not very appreciative of that fact. So as an alibi for that, the first one went, “yday was salary da na, so there was a loooooooooooooooooooooong line at the ATM”.
Let me tell you…The long was very long indeed! At one point of that long, I started to get the feeling that she wanted to make her friend listen to that long for almost as much time as she had waited there in that queue!! She herself seemd to be in a lot of pain, cos she made the mule face, shut her eyes tight, tilted her head backwards n did what not to pronounce it!!! I knew immediately that the queue would have been excruciatingly painful. But still, the loooooooooooooooong just din fit in!
I was like.. don’t they have a shorter word called “very” that conveys almost the same emotion? It might not be as long as loooooooooooooooong but still she shud start using the substitute. Obviously for that lady, looooooooooooooooong is definitely longer .. much much longer than very long!!
But the fact is, it is the case with almost all of us, especially our women! They kinda think it makes the word impotent unless u stretch it.. n they obviously don seem to like it that way! ‘cos in reply to that, the second lady went, “I know…. it’s sometimes sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo irritating”!!!!
oh fuk yeah, “it was!!”
anyways.. have a wonnnnnnnnnnnnderful new year ladies.