[06 March] -> Like there are the days every now and then wen u really feel down and out.. which in more understandable terms can be called feeling all fuked up! Today is such a day for me. As a kid we were taught fairy tales in kindergarten. I tell u . .those shud be baned now!! they always began with “long long ago” and always ended with “and they lived happily ever after”. U shudn do such gross injustice to kids. They tend to believe that life is goin to be like a fairy tale for them as well after reading such shit. They shud read stories like, “long long ago there lived a lady called rapunzel with really long hair. Her boyfriend dumped her n then she shaved off her hair in agony and committed suicide and went to hell”. That’s what they should read. .and once they get to a level where they know that what they have been reading is true n all, they can be given the original fairy tales to read at home.. just to know what their dads and moms read as kids and why they are so fukd up now.
M just wondering what Is it that actually makes us happy in life? For me its not money.. and obviously I am lying wen I say that! See.. for me its being able to say that I don want money and being able to pull it off with a straight face and also have loads of cash in my bank account would amount to happiness. But I cant do it now. I would also love to become a big shot someday and write an autobiography of my own. Like some very famous hot shots do it these days. Its very “now”… apparently. But let me tell u something… y the fuk din these hot shots bother to write an autobiography when they were not such hot shots?? Lets try analyzing the reasons:
1) they were not famous so no one would buy their books -> so they are writing their autobiographies just so that ppl read them?
2) they din have the balls to write an autobiography earlier n say that they fukd their secretaries or doped wen they were 17. they do it now. .cos they are hot shots and ppl wud now appreciate that they did all that n yet overcame such "moral failures" to make it big in life.. yeah.. moral failures.. that’s what they might like to call it. ( any resemblance to any other autobiography is purely coincidental here as I am just imagining .. n I write this disclaimer as this is something that I think wud feature in all autobiographies! ) I have never been an avid reader of books.. forget abt autobiographies. I have enuf n more crap in my life to be reading abt someone else’s shit!
But yeah.. I want to write an autobiography wen I am famous exactly because of the two reasons stated above! I want to generate some revenue for myself and I don’t have the balls to admit some shit now that I would readily do if I got into a position where I can comfortably call it a moral failure that I overcame! ( no… I have not had any secretaries in my life yet).
Anyways… so coming back to the point. Its not money . .so wot is it then? Now a very genuine and honest answer would be, “I don’t know” … n an even more honest and genuine answer would be, “I fukn don know.. n how the fuk does it matter to u?? go rot in hell”
[08/march] -> M better today.. much better. i wrote all crap yday.
Yeah.. it’s all about money.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
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gosh!!! that was really strong.
I admit your concern for lyf. It occurs to me at all the time...wenevr i feel things are not going the way i want them to be, i tend to feel depressed and sad, but on the other hand sometimes few things do bring cheer to me. I understood it in that way ( and i tend to generalize). whenever one feels sad about not getting something (it cud be failure in exam, being dumped by ur girl friend, bad relationship with family or friends etc) one should let things go free and think about those people who are even less fortunate than us...poor children who don't get a days meal properly, those who can't see, walk or hear, a poor man whose crop has been destroyed coz of flood, those famine stricken families, those slumdogs(i hate to say that) who don't have a future, army mens that are fighting for the country just to ensure that its people are safe and that they get a good days sleep...just think about them..and i am sure ur big problem will become little in front of these things..
I can go on writing this..but my main point is to tell that always believe in urself..u re the unique creation of this entire universe..and no one can dare to become YOU..so keep appreciating ur value.And i understand the fact that life's kind of hard all around..just have faith and always believe that after every failure your probability of getting closer to success is continously improving..
look for the sky with your feet on ground...
if this comment had come on the 6th of march, i am sure i wud have had something to say! :)
i am ok today.. so.. thanks.
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