The little things in life still remain the most cherished.
Last night a few of us started playing a random game of pehchaan kaun on facebook. The concept was simple – make a combination of two or more pics that when put together and decoded would sound similar or name one of our friends. There was no rocket science behind it – not even photoshop, cos then ppl like me would have backed out. Plain and simple ms-paint did the trick. It caught like wildfire among our friends group. One creative bitch called vashisht started it… and the less fortunate ones joined but made the most of it. As crappy as it may sound, it was! All of us were loaded with projects, presentations, exams looming and the baap of all causes of nervous breakdowns – placements! Pehchaan kaun was the perfect unadulterated foil for such a situation in order to waste whatever little time we had. I was just telling a friend that I had no time at all to study all that was required of me when the game started.
It was almost like a fastest finger first competition. As soon as u uploaded a pehchaan kaun pic on ur wall, there would be 3-4 people commenting with answers , guessing the name of the person the pic represented and it would be followed by a plethora of funny remarks, sad ass comments and pj’s. my roomie was so into it that he cracked one pehchaan kaun while he was taking a pee and came running from the toilet screaming, “ I GOT THE ANSWER!!!”. He wanted to be the first to comment with the right answer, so much so that he probably pre-empted his excretory activities. Vdl was cribbing about in the statuses that she was not able to get any of the answers first up. So one of the cases when she did manage to crack the pic when no one else had, she happily commented saying, “yaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, finallllllllllllllly I got the answer first!!”. When she did manage to post it, there were 5 others who had posted the answers... all while she was typing, in a matter of seconds!! Guess the plethora of l’s and y’s din’t work out too well for her people kept making funny remarks and blunders throughout that made the deal even more hilarious all the way. There was probably a total count of around 200 statuses and 15 pics that happened in pehchaan kaun.
Anyway, the thing started at around 1 and by the time we realized that there are probably better things to do in life .. like sleep… it was around 4:30. So that was all there was to pehchaan kaun. A small, simple and random game started even more simply and randomly, but something that all of us who played it last night will remember for the rest of our lives.
Small things… like I said … are most cherished.