Like all good things, even this is coming to an end. I have stayed with two arbit guys for around two and a half weeks and I have realized that as long as you can respect people for what they are you are bound to have a decent time. I swear that these two have been the most boring guys I have ever shared a room with. They possessed no vestige whatsoever of any desire to hangout in the evenings, chill, waste time outside home.. u know.. all that you normally do and define as having fun. But yet, as odd as it may seem, I have enjoyed my stay here so far. They are really nice guys who are unbelievably funny. Its not the sarcastic or peppy humor that we associate with funny people but the kind of humor that is born out of a frustration at what life throws at you. First came with hopes of completing his internship successfully enough to add to his ever growing academic credentials but ended up falling in love with chik1. To his dismay, she just goes with him to work and back but never for once shows any signs of reciprocating his feelings. What happens to that, I will probably not be around to witness. No, I am not dying. I am just going to travel and do some market analysis for the next month. Actually, market analysis is a pseud name for salesmangiri. Second, he came with high hopes of getting a cracking project that would extract the best out of him and he was all ready to work his ass off. He is the type of guy who is ever curious to know everything.. gobble up as much knowledge and experience as he can like there is no tomorrow. These days, he just sits at his desk staring at the company’s website, waiting for that elusive project. These two come home every evening and have some very interesting conversations/incidents that you may end up calling boring. But I found a lot of fun and humor in whatever they discussed. For example, second is a weirdo. He would just wake up in the middle of the night and switch off the ac saying it causes him a splitting headache! First would just wait for him to get back to bed and turn it back on with the remote that he always kept under his pillow. This happened daily!
First’s lamenting about his failure to impress chik1 and his ever growing suspicion that she is committed has been the highlight of my stay here. Every day brought with it some new twist to that little story. Chik1 went to rishikesh this weekend and first spent the entire week deliberating whether or not he should tag along and thought about all the things that are there to do at rishikesh. Finally, he stayed back and slept thru the weekend. Obviously he saw the T20 world cup on TV and had paneer butter masala as well. I think more than the possible revelation that chik1 is committed, he would be more disappointed to know that she doesn’t know to cook paneer butter masala.
Anyway, at the end of the day, if you look at it, its just 5 different people looking out for an opportunity to do something awesome during this stint with the company and probably walk away with a PPO/PPI. Its just amazing to wonder what all transpires on the road to achieve this primary objective. Sometimes, to the extent that you begin to wonder what your primary objective was. For first, maybe it was to woo chik1. For second, it was probably to get a live project in the first place. For chik1&2, it was probably to look better every day trying to impress somebody or the other. For me, I don’t know .. maybe to keep looking out for interesting things and kill time. I wonder how long would I keep killing time.
I don’t see hot1 or hot2 these days either, as regularly as I did initially. Maybe they are also doing some salesmangiri somewhere. Lucky store owners! As long as they don’t call them bhaiyya. Hope is a man’s worst enemy and a woman’s best weapon. The bad news for men is ...women know this rule better than them!
Anyway, for now I leave all this and go in search of information on the inverter bazaar in India and give my bosses some fundae on how they should go about with their strategizing. I have been forced to leave all this and go do something that will involve a lot of traveling. Some places that I am looking forward to visit are Amritsar, Lucknow, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Madurai and Thanjavur. I hope these are as interesting as the story lines I have lived with for the past couple of weeks. For me, days ends here.
Looking forward to the Whirltour!
Monday, May 3, 2010
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